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Pursuing Claims for Memory Loss Associated With TBIs

Looking at a brain / skull x-ray.

Among the most frustrating and most common of the consequence associated with traumatic brain injuries is memory loss. Depending upon the exact nature of the injury, memory loss may dramatically affect a person’s ability to resume the life they led before the injury was sustained. In any case, the effects of memory loss can have long-standing consequences for accident victims and their loved ones alike.

As you begin to cope with your new circumstances, our legal team can begin pursuing legal action against the party responsible for the accident in an effort to recover compensation for the present and future damages that will be associated with the injury.

Forms of Memory Loss

People who experience severe head injuries commonly forget the moments leading up to and following the accident. In many cases, accident victims are never capable of recovering those memories. In such instances, however, any memory loss that has been experienced will not affect a victim’s memory functionality. There are two general forms of memory loss, or amnesia, that accident victims may potentially suffer from:

  • Retrograde Amnesia: Past events cannot be recalled, but new memories may be formed and permanently stored.
  • Anterograde Amnesia: New memories are not permanently stored.

In the most severe cases, an individual may suffer from both forms of amnesia. If you or a loved one was the innocent victim of a traumatic brain injury, it may be wise to seek legal counsel.

Consult With a Memory Loss Attorney In Texas

To discuss the particulars of your claim with one of the memory loss attorneys with the Law Offices of Vic Feazell, P.C., please contact us.
