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5 Tips for Teen Driving Awareness Month [Infographic]

teenage boy sitting in the driver seat while holding a cellphone

Defensive Driving Techniques for Teenagers

Teaching your teen how to drive can be one of the most stressful situations for any parent; however, helping them understand the importance of defensive driving is essential. Here are five tips to share with your young driver this Teen Driving Awareness Month.

5 Tips for Teen Driver Awareness

#1. Stay Alert

One of the most important things for young drivers to learn is to stay alert to changing road conditions and other drivers that may pose a hazard. By remaining alert, you can also increase your reaction time.

#2. Three-Second Rule

When driving, especially in traffic, a good thing to remember is to keep a three-to-four second distance between you and the car in front of you. To measure this, pick a stationary spot on the side of the road (like a sign or post) and count to three after the car in front of you has passed it. If you reach it before three, you are going too fast.

#3. Go Hands-Free

Eliminating distractions inside your vehicle is essential, so all drivers should be mindful to avoid using handheld electronic devices while driving. This is also the law in Texas.

#4. Buckle Up

Texas law requires all drivers and passengers to wear a seat belt or receive a citation and fine. Teen drivers especially should always remember to wear a seat belt, as these have proven to reduce your risk of serious injury and death in a crash. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that seat belts reduce the risk of death in crashes by 45% and serious injury by 50%.

#5. No Assumptions

It's crucial to never assume what another driver is going to do or how they will react to a potential hazard. If driving near other vehicles, consider scanning ahead and keeping sufficient distance between them and your vehicle.

Texas Car Accident Attorneys

Law Offices Of Vic Feazell, P.C. is dedicated to helping you keep the roadways safer by holding negligent drivers responsible for the injuries they cause. If you are seriously injured, or a loved one is killed in a motor vehicle accident, call (254) 938-6885 to get in touch with a member of our team.
