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Why Social Media and Personal Injury Claims Don’t Mix

hands typing on a laptop computer, social media "like," "comment," and "message" icons are floating around

In today’s digital world, it can be easy to forget that what you post on social media can have a direct impact on the personal injury claims process. While it’s easy to think that our posts are seen by friends and family only, the truth is they can often be accessed by anyone and used against us when we seek compensation for an injury. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why it’s so important to stay off of social media while filing a personal injury claim.

Creating Doubt Against Your Claim

One of the biggest mistakes people make is that they post about their injury in any context. Even if you’re not specifically talking about the injury itself, photos and stories can be twisted to create doubt as to whether an injury actually occurred or if it’s a fabrication. While you might be simply trying to update friends and family on your recovery, posts like these can be taken out of context by insurance companies or opposing counsel who are looking for any way to discredit your claim.

When you make a claim, one of the most important things is consistency in your story and any evidence provided to support your case. If there are inconsistencies or conflicting stories, this casts doubt over your credibility as a claimant and could affect the overall outcome.

Your Posts Could Call Your Injury Into Question

What you post online should never be seen as an indication of how injured you actually are—or aren't. If an injured individual posts something that appears to show them doing vigorous activity after their claim has been filed, this could easily be misconstrued as them not being legitimately injured at all and have serious consequences for their legal case. For example, if someone claims they are unable to work due to an injury but then they post pictures on social media of them doing activities like participating in sports events, this could be used against them by the defense team and cast doubt on their entire case.

To ensure that you have the best chance of a successful claim, it is always recommended to avoid sharing on social media altogether or have a conversation with your attorney first about what is and isn’t safe to share.

A Lack of Privacy Settings

It’s easy to forget that even if you have a very strong privacy setting enabled on social media, it doesn’t mean that all of your information is necessarily secure. Even if you think that only certain people can see your posts, the truth is that anything and everything can be taken out of context, screenshotted, and shared with others.

What to Share Instead

While it’s important to stay off of social media, it doesn’t mean that you have to completely avoid sharing information about your personal injury claim. You can still talk to friends and family in person or via text messages without having the conversation become public knowledge. Additionally, if you do need support after an accident or during a personal injury case, there are several resources available to help you through this difficult time.

Remember that if you’re in the process of filing a personal injury claim, it is important to stay off social media and keep your conversations private. Social media posts can have serious legal implications and should be avoided during any type of legal proceedings.

Personal Injury Lawyers in Waco and Austin

The consequences of social media can sometimes outweigh the benefits, and the team at Law Offices Of Vic Feazell, P.C. is here to help you have the best chance at a successful claim. Our lawyers can help you walk through the process and provide insight into what may be damaging. Call (254) 938-6885 or fill out this short form to request your free consultation today.
