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Industries Often Involved In Product Liability Cases


Product liability refers to the responsibility assumed by product manufacturers for designing, creating, and distributing safe products to consumers. If a manufacturer’s products are shown to be unsafe, then that product manufacturer might be held legally accountable for the injuries and/or illnesses that are caused through handling or using the dangerous product. While any industry can produce unsafe or defective products, there are certain ones which are more commonly reported to have issues with their products.

4 Industries Often Implicated In Product Liability Cases

While every product manufacturer assumes responsibility for its products, several industries in the U.S. tend to fail in fulfilling this responsibility more often than others. Four industries that are often implicated in product liability cases include:

  • Food Products / Containers
  • Equipment / Machinery
  • Childcare Products and Toys
  • Pharmaceuticals

Unfortunately, these four industries release products that lead to the harm of innocent consumers and for the manufacturers to face product liability cases. Because of the greater use that these industries also see, it’s even more important that these manufacturers ensure that the products they release on the market are safe and not defective.

Contact Us

If you or someone you care about has been injured because of an unsafe product, then you could be due financial compensation from the designer or manufacturer of the dangerous product. At the Law Offices of Vic Feazell, P.C., our legal team is dedicated to helping victims of such negligence to get the help they need. Call (512) 710-0931 to discuss how you might be able to pursue much-needed compensation.
