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The Financial Impact of Drunk Driving Accidents


Despite efforts to increase national awareness of the dangers of drunk driving and the aggressive prosecution consistently leveled against offenders, vehicular accidents caused by drunk drivers are still shockingly common. These accidents can easily be prevented and much too often leave people with debilitating injuries, including injuries of the brain and spinal cord.

The financial impact of a drunk driving accident will initially seem secondary to the physical impact, but will eventually need to be addressed by the victims and their families.

Assessing the Financial Impact of Drunk Driving Accidents

Aside from the physical and emotional tolls that drunk driving accidents can have on victims, the financial burden can be quite substantial and include the following:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Physical damages to the vehicle

Victims of drunk driving accidents should be able to focus their efforts on physical and emotional recovery rather than worry about whether they will be able to pay for the undeserved medical expenses. With the help of an experienced lawyer, victims can focus on their health over financial damages by pursuing a civil lawsuit.

Contact an Austin Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer

The Austin lawyers at the Law Offices of Vic Feazell, P.C. understand that victims of drunk driving accidents often experience undeserved financial difficulties and can fight to make the responsible offender financially accountable. Contact our offices at (512) 710-0931 if you are interested in our legal services.
