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Back to School Road Safety Tips

family picking up kids at school

Children all over Texas are heading back to the classrooms this August, which means your morning commute may involve more traffic jams than in the past few months. Whether you’re a parent taking your child to school or a teenager getting to drive there for the first time, it’s important to keep road safety at the forefront. Here are some essential tips to ensure your back-to-school drives stay safe.

Tips for Drivers

Drivers bear the burden of ensuring the safety of the carpool lane at school, but here’s what you can do, even on the way there:

  • Be extra cautious in school zones and watch for crossing guards and children.
  • Obey the speed limit, even if it means driving a bit slower than usual.
  • Leave early to avoid rushing and give yourself plenty of time to react to any potential hazards.
  • Pay attention to your surroundings at all times, especially when stopped at intersections or backing out of parking spots.
  • Be mindful of stopped school buses and watch for any children that may be in or near the road.

Tips for Cyclists

Even in hot Texas weather, some students may prefer to bike to school. If that is your choice in transportation, here are some tips:

  • Wear a properly fitted helmet at all times.
  • Make sure your bike is the right size for you and in good working condition.
  • If riding in low-light conditions, use proper lighting and reflectors.
  • Obey all traffic laws, including stop signs and signals.
  • Be aware of your surroundings at all times and yield to pedestrians.

Tips for Pedestrians

No matter if your school is located near a busy intersection or in a rural area, pedestrians should be extra cautious of their safety. Keep these in mind:

  • Use crosswalks whenever possible and look both ways before crossing the street.
  • Make yourself visible to drivers, especially early in the morning or in bad weather by wearing bright clothing or using a flashlight.
  • Stay alert and don’t be distracted by your phone or any other electronic devices.
  • If you’re walking in a group, stay together and don’t split up.

Your Texas Personal Injury Attorneys

The safety of your loved ones is our priority this back-to-school season, and we are prepared to advocate for the rights of injured victims throughout Texas. Schedule a free consultation with a member of our team today by calling (254) 938-6885.
