Austin Airplane Accident Attorney
Though air travel is widely considered to be among the safest methods of transportation in the United States, airplane accidents do occur on rare occasion. Although they don’t happen often, when airplane accidents do occur, they have serious consequences, often resulting in passengers’ serious injury or death.
Because of the nature of the related injuries, airplane accidents usually have a lifelong impact on victims and their families. Our Austin airplane accident attorneys at the Law Offices of Vic Feazell, P.C., know just how traumatic an airplane accident can be for all parties involved and we will do all that we can to ensure that the responsible parties are held accountable for their actions. We know that losing a loved one in a preventable accident can be particularly painful, and we will do everything in our power to ensure that reparations are made for your pain and suffering.
Need personal injury legal counsel? Call (254) 938-6885 for a free initial consultation.
Airplane accidents usually occur because of some form of negligence or error. The most common airplane accidents involve the following situations:
- Pilot error
- Pilot intoxication
- Airline negligence
- Airplane defects / Malfunction
- Air traffic controller error
Since air travel is central to transportation in our country; our faith in the safety of air travel should be upheld with great diligence. The legal professionals at the Law Offices of Vic Feazell, P.C., treat these cases very seriously and will work tirelessly to fight for justice on your behalf.
If your loved one has been injured or killed in an airplane accident, it is important that you seek the legal representation of an experienced attorney. Our Austin airplane accident lawyers at the Law Offices of Vic Feazell, P.C., have the experience, skill, and persistence to help you pursue the compensation that you need.
To speak with one of our knowledgeable lawyers today, call (254) 938-6885.